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Diamond album

Diamond album (certification)

Type: noun, slang, music

Pronunciation: /die-mond-al-bum/

Also known as: Diamond selling, Diamond status, Diamond single, Certified Diamond, Went Diamond

What does Diamond album mean?

10 million (10,000,000) copies of an album or project sold.

Diamond album Synonyms: Diamond

Other music certifications: Gold, Platinum

Example sentence: “Wow, ofcourse Michael Jackson has a diamond album.”

Diamond album in songs:

“Grammys, a diamond album gon’ be the fucking outcome” – ItsUnknownMF, Gold Roses (Freestyle).

Diamond album selling, know your records” – Bugus, The One.

more terms starting with “D”

more music certifications

Cite this page: "Diamond album." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed March 22, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/diamond-album/.


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