Yuck (slang)
Type: exclamation, slang
Pronunciation: /yawk/
Related: Yucky
What does Yuck mean?
An expression of disgust.
Example sentence: “Yuck, you ate the week old chicken nuggets?”
Yuck in songs:
“Heard your pussy on yuck, I guess you needed a Pap” – Nicki Minaj, No Frauds.
“Let me make it real clear, fuck nigga, pay up Broke niggas leave a bad taste, ugh, yuck” – Saucy Santana, Material Girl.
“Yeah, you boys is washed up And I’m shitting on ’em like two girls and one cup, yuck” – Lil Wayne, Gonorrhea.
“He spit on the mic, yuck, saliva Hold it like a truck driver hold a CB on a sharp turn” – Viktor Vaughn, Saliva.