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Yo (slang) Type: slang, contraction, interjection Pronunciation: /yoh/ Also spelled: Yo’ What does Yo mean? 1. A greeting or attention getter. Yo Synonyms: Yer, What it do, Ayo, Wassup, Gang gang, Gang 2. You or your. Example sentence: “Yo, what you on today?” Yo in songs: “Yo, I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake” […]


Yola (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yo-lah/ What does Yola mean? Cocaine. Yola Synonyms: A1 Yola, Blow, Yayo, White, Yay, Snow, Coke, Llello, White horse Example sentence: “Pablo has that pure yola in Columbia.” Yola in songs: “Motorola, still whippin’ yola, young nigga, they call me the plug” – Rich The Kid, Plug. “And then […]


YOLO (slang) Type: phrase, acronym, aphorism Pronunciation: /Yo-low/ What does YOLO mean? You Only Live Once. Coined by: Drake Example sentence: “We’re going skydiving in California tomorrow because YOLO!” YOLO in songs: “You only live once: that’s the motto, nigga, YOLO” – Drake, The Motto. “Shoulda died, yelling YOLO was a lie” – Chance the […]


Yonce (nickname) Type: noun, slang, nickname Pronunciation: /yon-say/ Also spelled or known as: ‘YoncĂ© What does Yonce mean? Beyonce’s nickname. Other Beyonce Nicknames: Bee, Queen B Beyonce’s real name: BeyoncĂ© Giselle Knowles Example sentence: “Beyonce also goes by Yonce.” Yonce in songs: “I pull up with a ‘yoncĂ©, Lemonade Migos performing up at the Barclays” […]


Yoppa (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /Yop-pa/ Also known or spelled as: Yopper What does Yoppa mean? 1. An automatic weapon. Yoppa Synonyms: Choppa, Draco, .40, Glizzy 2. Ecstasy or pills. Yoppa Synonyms: Molly, Poppers, MDMA, X Example sentence: “I wouldn’t mess with him, he has a Yoppa.” Yoppa in songs: “Gotta keep a yoppa […]


Yopper (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yop-per/ Also known or spelled as: Yoppa Plural: Yoppers What does Yopper mean? 1. An automatic weapon. Yopper Synonyms: Chopper, Draco, .40, Glizzy 2. Ecstasy or pills. Yopper Synonyms: Molly, Poppers, MDMA, X Example sentence: “He was acting weird on a yopper.” Yopper in songs: “Take a real champagne […]

You dig

You dig (slang) Type: interjection, slang Pronunciation: /you-dig/ Also spelled or known as: Ya dig, You-dig, Youdig, You dig it, You dig me Related: Dig, Dig it What does You dig mean? 1. Do you understand? 2. Do you like? You dig Synonyms: Ya dig, Dig it, You smell me Example sentence: “I just put […]

You feel me

You feel me (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /you-feel-me/ Also spelled or known as: You feel me?, Ya feel me What does You feel me mean? Do you understand or connect to me? You feel me Synonym: Ya feel me, Ya dig, Ya smell me Example sentence: “I’ma need mine extra-large, You feel me.” You […]

You smell me

You smell me (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /you-smell-me/ Also spelled or known as: You smell me?, Ya smell me What does You smell me mean? Do you understand what I am saying? You smell me Synonyms: Capish, Ya feel me, Ya dig, Ya smell me Example sentence: “I don’t want her to come to […]


You’s (slang) Type: slang Pronunciation: /yoous/ Also spelled or known as: Yous What does You’s mean? You is. Example sentence: “Naw you’s not gonna come to my house screaming like that.” You’s in songs: “But I’m only human, I know loving you’s a crime If I take this cookie now one day I’ll do the […]

Young Bull

Young Bull (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yung-bool/ Also spelled: Young Boul, Yung Bull, Yung Boul Related: Bull What does Young Bull mean? 1. A young male. 2. Someone younger than you. Young Bull Synonyms: Jit, Bull, Youngin’, Youngsta Example sentence: “My young bull bringing all the baddies to the club.” Young Bull in songs: […]

Young Sinatra

Young Sinatra (nickname) Type: noun, slang, nickname Pronunciation: /young-sin-na-trah/ Also spelled or known as: Young-Sinatra What does Young Sinatra mean? Logic’s nickname. Other Logic Nicknames: Bobby Tarantino Logic’s real name: Sir Robert Bryson Hall II Example sentence: “Logic also goes by Young Sinatra.” Young Sinatra in songs: “Young Sinatra I created, I’m elated It seem […]

Young Tina Snow

Young Tina Snow (nickname) Type: noun, slang, nickname Pronunciation: /yung-te-na-snow/ What does Young Tina Snow mean? Megan Thee Stallion’s nickname. Other Megan Thee Stallion Nicknames: Tina Snow, Suga Megan Thee Stallion’s real name: Megan Jovon Ruth Pete Example sentence: “Megan Thee Stallion also goes by Young Tina Snow.” Young Tina Snow in songs: “Real fuckin’ […]


Youngin’ (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yung-in/ Also spelled: Yungin, Younging Related: Yung Plural: Youngins What does Youngin’ mean? A young person. Youngin’ Synonyms: Youngsta, Jit Example sentence: “My lil bro a Youngin’.” Youngin’ in songs: “Since a youngin’ I wanted to ball, nigga” – ScHoolboy Q, THat Part “Since a youngin’ always dreamed of […]


Youngsta (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yung-sta/ Also spelled: Youngster, Yungsta Related: Yung Plural: Younstas What does Youngsta mean? A young person. Youngsta Synonyms: Youngin’, Jit, Youngster Example sentence: “You’ll grow up one day youngsta.” Youngsta in songs: “I’m the realest youngsta that’s breathin’” – Chamillionaire, It’s Okay (One Blood) [Remix]. “But there’s no SC […]


Yout (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /yoot/ Also spelled or known as: Yute What does Yout mean? 1. Short Jamaican slang for Yout; A young thug. 2. Youth. Yout Synonyms: Yute, Youngin Example sentence: “Me and my yout going to da beach mane.” Yout in songs: “Roll up slow, then I park that coupe and […]


YouTube (social media) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /you-tube/ What does YouTube mean? A popular video sharing platform. More social media platforms: Twitter, MySpace, Vine, TikTok, IG, Instagram Founded by: Jawid Karim, Steve Chen, & Chad Hurley Website: YouTube.com Example sentence: “The music video quickly got a million views on youtube.” Fact: Wiz Khalifa was the first rapper to […]