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Rubbish (slang)

Type: noun, adjective, slang

Pronunciation: /rub-ish/

What does Rubbish mean?

1. Litter or unwanted waste.

Rubbish Synonyms: Junk, Trash, Garbage, Basura

2. To be not good or illogical.

Rubbish Synonyms: Junk, Trash, Ass, Butt, Garbage, Basura, Nonsense

Example sentence: “Turn down the rubbish music, it’s super loud.”

Rubbish in songs:

“From out the rubbish bin at your local loony clinic” – Earl Sweatshirt, Whoa.

“Cause you walkin’ out in public and you hear ’em talkin’ rubbish” – Mac Miller, Donald Trunmp.

“A broke nigga who thuggish, always be talkin’ rubbish” – Hopsin, Baby’s Daddy.

“If I were you I wouldn’t waste time reading that rubbish” – Canibus, Poet Laureate Infinity.

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Cite this page: "Rubbish." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed February 14, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/rubbish/.


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