Illadelph (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /illa-delf/ What does Illadelph mean? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Illadelph Synonyms: Philly Coined by: The Roots Illadelph in songs: “I’m N.Y. thuggin’, I’m Illadelph thuggin’” – Freddie Gibbs, National Anthem (Fuck the World). “Get witcha, this bitch from Illadelph marches quicker” – Eve, Ruff Ryders Anthem (Remix). “Immerse you in some […]
Hip-Hop/Rap Slang. All the slang words used in rap/hip-hop music & culture. Here’s a list of all the slang words on Rap Dictionary —
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Illest (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /ill-est/ Related: Ill What does Illest mean? To be the coolest, best or “sickest”. Illest Synonyms: Dopest, Tightest, Sickest, Cleanest Example sentence: “Lil Wayne is one of the Illest rappers.” Illest in songs: “Doctors say I’m the illest ’cause I’m suffering from realness” – Kanye West, Niggas in Paris. […]
Illtown (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /ill-town/ Also spelled or known as: Ill-town What does Illtown mean? East Orange, New Jersey. Close to Illtown: NYC, Brick city Illtown in songs: “Trick, you better back the freak up, for real now, When I break it down from Newark, NJ to Illtown“- Redman, Rockafella. “That’s right, representing […]
In check (slang) Type: adverb, slang Pronunciation: /in-check/ Also spelled or known as: In-check What does In check mean? To be under control. In check Synonyms: In line Example sentence: “Keep your girl in check, she keep looking at me.” In check in songs: “Do you believe that Eve had Adam in check and if […]
In line (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-line/ Also spelled or known as: In-line Related: Fall in line What does In line mean? Under control. In line Synonyms: In check Example sentence: “You always gotta keep your girl in line.” In line in songs: “Spend my time makin’ love to your thoughts Gon’ get in […]
In my prime (phrase) Type: adjective, slang, phrase Pronunciation: /in-my-pri-ime/ Related: Prime, Prime time What does In my prime mean? To be at one’s best or most successful stage in life. Example sentence: “I’m so good at this and i’m not even in my prime yet.” In my prime in songs: “Young Gunna Gunna, I’m […]
In the cut (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /in-dee-kut/ What does In the cut mean? To be secluded from everyone and everything. In the cut Synonyms: Lowkey Example sentence: “Me and my broski was eating good good in the cut.” In the cut in songs: “Famous as fuck but I’m still in the cut when […]
In the field (slang) Type: noun, phrase, slang Pronunciation: /in-d-feeld/ Also known or spelled as: In-the-Field Related: Field What does In the field mean? To be in the streets. In the field Synonyms: Out here, Outchea Example sentence: “My guys used to be in the field.” In the field in songs: “In the field shit, […]
In the house (slang) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /in-the-house/ Also spelled or known as: We in the house What does In the house mean? To be here or present. Example sentence: “Cobb County in the house.” In the house in songs: “How many ladies in the house without a rich nigga, huh?” – Tyler, the […]
In the limelight (phrase) Type: adjective, slang, phrase Pronunciation: /in-d-lime-light/ Also spelled or known as: In da limelight Related: Limelight What does In the limelight mean? To be the focus of attention. Example sentence: “I don’t really like being in the limelight, i enjoy being behind the scenes.” In the limelight in songs: “Now I’m in the limelight ’cause […]
In the Stu (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /in-the-stu/ Also spelled: In the Stu’ Related: Stu, The Stu, Stufinder What does In the Stu mean? In the studio. Example sentence: “I’m gonna be in the stu tonight.” In the Stu in songs: “I’m in the stu‘ all day, yeah I can go verse for a […]
In the zone (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /in-the-zone/ Also spelled or known as: In-the-zone Related: Zone What does In the zone mean? To be very focused. In the zone Synonyms: Locked in Example sentence: “We were all in the zone last night.” In the zone in songs: “That’s top of the toppa, I never […]
In tune (slang) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /in-toon/ Also spelled or known as: In-tune Related: Tune What does In tune mean? To be up to date or know what’s going on. Example sentence: “The DJ was in tune with what the kids wanted.” In tune in songs: “When Im her jeans I’m still in tune […]
Independent (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /in-d-pen-dent/ Related: Indie What does Independent mean? 1. An artist not signed to a major label. Independent Synonyms: Indie 2. Depending on no one besides yourself. Example sentence: “Rappers start off independent before they sign.” Independent in songs: “An independent older sister kept me fly when she could” – […]
Indie (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /in-dee/ Also spelled: Indy Related: Independent What does Indie mean? Independent. Indie Synonyms: Indy, Independent Example sentence: “He hasn’t signed, he’s indie.” Indie in songs: “But even if I would’ve went the indie route, I don’t have any doubt, I would still get blown like it’s windy out” […]
Indo (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-doe/ Related: Indonesia, Endo What does Indo mean? Marijuana. Indo Synonyms: Endo, Ganja, Grass, Green, Gas, Reefer, Weed, Kush, Broccoli, Pot, Boof, Hash, Sticky Icky Example sentence: “I have some indo in the car if you wanna smoke.” Indo in songs: “Condos in Queens, indo for weeks” – The Notorious […]
Indonesia (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-doe-nee-gia/ Related: Indo What does Indonesia mean? Marijuana.Marijuana. Indonesia Synonyms: Indo, Ganja, Grass, Green, Gas, Reefer, Weed, Kush, Broccoli, Pot, Boof, Hash, Sticky Icky Example sentence: “I got some indonesia for the two of us babe.” Indonesia in songs: “Maybe we could smoke a little Indonesia” – Domo Genesis, […]
Industry plant (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-dus-tree-plant/ Related: Plant What does Industry plant mean? An artist who has major label support but portrays themselves as “independent” or an artist who didn’t have an organic rise. Industry plant Synonyms: Plant Example sentence: “They all think he’s an industry plant, because we didn’t see his come […]
Indy (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /in-dee/ Also spelled: Indie Related: Independent What does Indy mean? Independent. Indy Synonyms: Indie, Independent Example sentence: “We released the album indy.” Indy in songs: “A thin line in an indy movie Just a break for somebody to see” – Yelawolf, I See You (Bonus Track). “Cheese steak, Philly […]
Influence (slang) Type: noun, verb, slang Pronunciation: /in-flu-ens/ What does Influence mean? 1. The effect you have on people. Influence synonyms: Impact 2. To sway people to agree with you, do what you want or to copy you. Example sentence: “Kanye West had a big influence on me growing up.” Influence in songs: “Times that […]
Ink (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /ink/ Related: Inked What does Ink mean? A tattoo. Ink Synonyms: Tat, Tatt Example sentence: “I got some new ink the other day.” Ink in songs: “Matching tats, this Ink don’t come off Even if rings come off, if things ring off” -JAY-Z, Part II (On the Run). “Now […]
Inked (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /inkd/ Related: Ink, Inked up What does Inked mean? To be tattooed. Inked Synonyms: Tatted Example sentence: “My ex girl was inked everywhere.” Inked in songs: “So I leveled up and got Guevara inked on my chest And I’m from Trinidad, my fam are big and bad” – AJ […]
Inked up (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /inked-up/ Related: Ink, Inked What does Inked up mean? To have a lot of tattoos. Inked up Synonyms: Inked, Tatted, Tatted up Example sentence: “We came out of the tattoo shop inked up.” Inked up in songs: “Same color skin, I’m just inked up like a pen When […]
Insomnia (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-som-nia/ What does Insomnia mean? Inability to sleep. Insomnia Synonyms: Sleeplessness Example sentence: “I finally got my insomnia problems fixed.” Insomnia in songs: “What you wit’? Lucci or drama?, No sleep means insomnia, No need to check the clock, the streets’ll time ya” – Nas, Suspect. “If they sleepin’ […]
Insta (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-sta/ Related: Instagram What does Insta mean? Instagram; A popular photo sharing social media platform. More social media platforms: Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Vine, TikTok, IG Founded by: Kevin Systrom Website: Example sentence: “Go like my photo on Insta.“ Insta in songs: “Vacay to a place where you could, […]
Insta’ (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-sta/ Related: The gram, IG, IG Model What does Insta’ mean? Instagram. Insta’ is short for Instagram. Insta‘ Synonyms: The gram, IG Example sentence: “Bae wants me to follow her back on Insta‘.” Insta‘ in songs: “I know you wanna Vacay to a place where you could Take pictures, […]
Instagram (social media) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-sta-gram/ Related: IG, The ‘Gram, Insta What does Instagram mean? Instagram; A popular photo sharing social media platform. Instagram Synonyms: IG, The Gram, Insta More social media platforms: Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Vine, TikTok, IG Founded by: Kevin Systrom Website: Example sentence: “Go like and comment on my […]
Instagram model (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-sta-gram-mod-ool/ Also spelled or known as: Instagram-model Related: IG What does Instagram model mean? Someone who claims to be a model, but has no agency and doesn’t do any modeling. Instagram model Synonyms: IG model Example sentence: “I asked her who her favorite instagram model is.” Instagram model […]
Instrumental (music) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-stru-mental/ Plural: Instrumentals What does Instrumental mean? The instruments or music on a song without lyrics. Instrumental synonyms: Beat Example sentence: “The rapper downloaded the instrumental off YouTube.” Instrumental in songs: “Uh, detrimental on any instrumental” – Lil Wayne, President Carter. “Your hood love you ’cause you on the […]
Interlude (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-ter-lood/ Plural: Interludes What does Interlude mean? A brief recording or break between two songs, an EP or LP. Interlude Synonyms: Break Example sentence: “Some albums include an interlude.” Interlude in songs: “Vivid memory, can someone send me a real nigga interlude?” – Drake, Omertà. “Give that bitch a […]
Internet woofing (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /in-ter-net-woof-in/ Also spelled or known as: Internet Woofin’, Internet Wulfing, Internet Wulfin’, Internet Wolfing Related: Woofing What does Internet woofing mean? To be lying or acting strong and brave on the internet. Internet woofing Synonyms: Fronting, Woofing Example sentence: “He’s just internet woofing again.” Internet woofing in songs: […]
Intro (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /in-troh/ Related: Outro What does Intro mean? Introduction. Example sentence: “I’m going to write a good intro for the video today.” Intro in songs: “Every time you intro that’s my cue to outro” – Big Sean, Research. “And gas, not the Arco, poppin’ since the intro” – Schoolboy Q, Collard Greens. “Just throw […]
Ion (slang) Type: contraction, interjection Pronunciation: /i-oun/ Also spelled: Ion’t, I’on What does Ion mean? I don’t. Example sentence: “Ion know if i wanna stay with my ting lowkey.” Ion in songs: “Got so many niggas thats hatin, ion even know em” – G Herbo, Write Your Name. “Ion wanna rent shit. I’d rather own […]
iPod (noun) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /i-pod/ Also spelled or known as: i-Pod Related: iPhone, iMac What does iPod mean? A pocket device by Apple used to listen to music. iPod Synonyms: MP3 Player. Example sentence: “I had a lot of Soulja Boy on my iPod.” iPod in songs: “I hope I’m in Obama’s iPod, […]
Irie (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /i-ree/ What does Irie mean? To be under the influence of marijuana. Irie Synonyms: Stoned, Stuck, Fried, Geeked, Faded, Zooted, Blunted, Booted, Baked, Lit, High, Grilled Example sentence: “We getting irie before the party tonight.” Irie in songs: “Smoke that weed, let’s get irie” – Lil Wayne, Cashed Out. […]
Irk (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /errk/ Related: Irkin’, Irking, Irked What does Irk mean? To bother or annoy. Irk Synonyms: Bug Example sentence: “I knew he would get mad when i irk him.” Irk in songs: “Screaming, “Please don’t urge me” and fuck these hoes, all they do is irk me” – Juice WRLD, […]
Irkin’ (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /errk-in/ Related: Irk, Irking, Irked What does Irkin’ mean? To be bothering or annoying. Irkin’ Synonyms: Buggin’ Example sentence: “The vibes were irkin’ me last night.” Irkin’ in songs: “Your content so aggressive lately, what’s irkin’ you?” – Drake, 6PM in New York. “Just so they can pretend they […]
Irking (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /errk-in/ Related: Irk, Irkin’, Irked What does Irking mean? To be bothering or annoying. Irking Synonyms: Bugging Example sentence: “Why are you so loud, you’re irking.” Irking in songs: “My girl, she trippin she irking me she want the Birkin bag color is burgundy” – Takeoff, Bedloo. “Damn, she […]
Iron (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /i-urn/ What does Iron mean? A gun. Iron Synonyms: 40, Yoppa, Hammer, Choppa, Glizzy, Tool, Piece, Strap, Gat, Blicky, Heat, Jimmy Example sentence: “We brought the iron to the function to be safe.” Iron in songs: “By the bodega, iron under my coat” – Jay-Z, Renegade. “Watch, when I […]
Irrelevant (adjective) Type: adjectives, slang Pronunciation: /e-reh-live-ent/ Related: Relevant What does Irrelevant mean? Not important or not relevant. Irrelevant Synonyms: Beside the point Example sentence: “I don’t care what you did two years ago, that’s irrelevant.” Irrelevant in songs: “I mean, it’s evident that I’m irrelevant to society” – Kendrick Lamar, The Blacker the Berry. […]
Ish (slang) Type: noun, expression, interjection Pronunciation: /e-sh/ What does Ish mean? Shit. Ish is slang for Shit. Example sentence: “That’s some good ish.” Ish in songs: “I’m on my ish, call it’ – Childish Gambino, You See Me. “Trip when I rip it up, I be the ish when I split ’em up” – […]
Issa (slang) Type: contraction, slang Pronunciation: /is-ah/ What does Issa mean? It’s a. Coined by: 21 Savage Example sentence: “Did you ask what im eating? Issa turkey club.” Issa in songs: “Issa Kylie, might be Jenner, hol’ up” – 21 Savage, Issa. “See the chain? Yeah, issa lake, yeah” – Arizona Zervas, ROXANNE. “Issa lotta […]
It is what it is (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /it-is-what-it-is/ What does It is what it is mean? A phrase used to accept a situation that can’t be changed. It is what it is Synonyms: Everything is Everything Example sentence: “I don’t mind not going to the party, it is what it is.” It […]
It’s giving (phrase) Type: phrase, slang Pronunciation: /its-give-in/ Also spelled or known as: Its giving, Its-giving Related: Giving, Give What does It’s giving mean? 1. To be hitting different or “giving”. It’s giving Synonyms: Hitting 2. To be giving off a vibe or feeling Example sentence: “I like your jacket, it’s giving Michael Jackson’s Triller.” It’s giving in songs: “Seriously, […]
J (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /Jay/ Related: Joint Plural: J’s What does J mean? A Joint. J is short for Joint. J Synonyms: Doobie, Jimmy Similar to J: Blunt, Spliff Example sentence: “I was cruisin’ down the PCH smoking a J.” J in songs: “Smokin’ a J on the top rope, east side hero” […]
J Pay (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /jay-pay/ Also spelled or known as: J-Pay, JPay, Jay Pay, Jay-Pay, J Pay, JayPay Related: CorrLinks What does J Pay mean? A financial/payment service for the family and friends of inmates incarcerated in state, county, and federal correction facilities. Example sentence: “They sent him some money thru J […]
J.B. (nickname) Type: noun, slang, nickname Pronunciation: /j-b/ Also spelled or known as: JB What does J.B. mean? Justin Bieber’s nickname. Other Justin Bieber Nicknames: Biebs, J. Biebs Justin Bieber‘s real name: Justin Drew Bieber Example sentence: “My girl is a big J.B. fan.” J.B. in songs: “‘Cause when that falsetto hits, y’all gonna know […]
J’s (slang) Type: noun, drugs Pronunciation: /j-ayys/ Related: Joint Singular: J What does J’s mean? 1. A pair of Jordans. 2. Joints. J’s is short for marijuana joints. J’s Synonyms: Doobies, Spliffs Similar to J’s: Blunts, Backwoods 3. Junkies. Example sentence: “I love wearing all my J’s throughout the week.” J’s in songs: “They killin’ […]
Jabroni (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /jab-roni/ Plural: Jabronis What does Jabroni mean? A lame or cowardly person. Jabroni Synonyms: Peon, Lame, Scrub, Sherm Example sentence: “That lil nizzle is just a jabroni.” Jabroni in songs: “I been with your mummy ’cause your daddy a jabroni” – Young Thug, Jumped Out The Window. “Bitch, […]
Jack (slang) Type: verb, noun, slang Pronunciation: /jack/ Related: Jacked, Jackin’, Jacker What does Jack mean? 1. To steal. Jack Synonyms: Rob, Jugg, Stiff, Finesse, Loot, Mug 2. A phone. Jack Synonyms: Celly, Pager Example sentence: “If they don’t let us take it with us, i’ma jack it.” Jack in songs: “You jack my style, […]