Nicca (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nik-kah/ Also spelled or known as: Nikka Related: Nig, N-Word, Nigger, Nicca Plural: Niccas What does Nicca mean? Nigga; a term of endearment from one black man to another black man, similar to saying homie, broski, gang. Nicca Synonyms: Nig, Nigga Example sentence: “Nicca are you still playing this game?” […]
Rap Dictionary
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Nice (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /nyce/ What does Nice mean? To be skilled. Nice Synonyms: Dope Example sentence: “My boy is mad nice at rapping.” Nice in songs: “Damn, this nigga nice, fuck is you talking about? (‘Cause I got) Bitch (Hoes)” – Sheck Wes, Mo Bamba. “Free Bump J, real nigga for life […]
Nicety (slang) Type: adjective, slang Pronunciation: /nice-tee/ What does Nicety mean? To be nice and nasty at the same time. Example sentence: “She was acting real nicety in the club.” Nicety in songs: “Diggin’ out girls that’s nicety Plus I got a body count like Ice-T” – Ice Cube, Wicked. “I’m nicety and sheisty, I […]
Nick (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nik/ Related: Nickel, Nick bag, Nickel or diming Plural: Nicks What does Nick mean? Five-dollars ($5) worth of marijuana. Nick Synonyms: Nickel, Nick bag Example sentence: “Let’s get a quick nick for the picnic.” Nick in songs: “I don’t care if you owe me a nick, nigga you need […]
Nick bag (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nik-bahg/ Also spelled or known as: Nick-bag, Nickbag Related: Nickel, Nick, Nickel or diming Plural: Nick bags What does Nick bag mean? Five-dollars ($5) worth of marijuana. Nick bag Synonyms: Nickel, Nick Example sentence: “He came to the studio with a nick bag.” Nick bag in songs: “Nick […]
Nickel (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-ull/ Related: Nick, Nickel or diming Plural: Nickels What does Nickel mean? 1. Five (5). 2. A five-dollar ($5) sack of marijuana (or another drug). Nickel Synonyms: Nick Example sentence: “The junkie came over asking for a nickel.” Nickel in songs: “Ay, speaking about, nickle and diming and kicking […]
Nickel and Diming (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-ull-and-dime-in/ Also spelled or known as: Nickel and Dimin’ What does Nickel and Diming mean? To be selling small quantities of drugs. Nickel and Diming Synonyms: Dealing Example sentence: “That boy was nickel and diming in New York.” Nickel and Diming in songs: “Weed bags all in […]
Nickel bag (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-el-bag/ Also spelled: Nickelbag, Nickel-bag Plural: Nickel bags Related: Nickel sack, Dime bag What does Nickel bag mean? Five dollars ($5) worth of marijuana. Similar to Nickel bag: Nickel sack, Dime sack, Dime bag, Eighth, Quarter, QP, Half, Zip, Pound Example sentence: “I got a nickel bag for my date […]
Nickel sack (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-el-sack/ Also spelled: Nickelsack, Nickel-sack Plural: Nickel sacks Related: Nickel bag, Dime sack What does Nickel sack mean? $5 worth of marijuana. Similar to Nickel sack: Nickel bag, Dime sack, Dime bag, Eighth, Quarter, QP, Half, Zip, Pound Example sentence: “A nickel sack is like a joint.” Nickel sack in […]
Nickels (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-ulls/ Related: Nicks Singular: Nickel What does Nickels mean? Five-dollar ($5) sacks of marijuana (or another drug). Nickels Synonyms: Nicks Example sentence: “No we don’t have any more nickels.” Nickels in songs: “Went to war, flip nickels and sold them dimes with Yea, I used to sell nicks of […]
Nicks (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /niks/ Related: Nickels, Nick bags Singular: Nick What does Nicks mean? Five dollars ($5) worth of marijuana. Nicks Synonyms: Nickels, Nick bags Example sentence: “We got nicks for days..” Nicks in songs: “Started out selling dimes and nicks Graduated to a brick, no exaggeration” – Jay-Z, My 1st Song. […]
Nicotine (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /nick-o-teen/ What does Nicotine mean? The addictive substance in tobacco. Nicotine Synonyms: Nikki Example sentence: “Gotta stop vaping, you’re addicted to nicotine.” Nicotine in songs: “On the set and they like the nicotine to cigarette” – A$AP Rocky, Bass. “You seen my trigger finger, then I started shootin’ That […]