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Stan (slang)

Type: verb, noun, slang

Pronunciation: /st-an/

Plural: Stans

What does Stan mean?

A stalker fan or super obsessive fan.

Stan Synonyms: Fanboy, Stalker, Groupie

Coined by: Eminem

Origin: “Stan” was coined and popularized in 2000 by Eminem when he released his single “Stan” off his Grammy-winning album The Marshall Mathers LP. Throughout the song Eminem rapped from the point-of-view of an obsessive fan which he named “Stan.”

Example sentence: “He made sure to buy all of the artists merch, he was a stan.”

Stan in songs:

“Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan” – Eminem, Stan.

“Damn man, this bitch is a Stan” – Nicki Minaj, Swish Swish.

“You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan” – Nas, Ether.

“Tryin’ to be the old you so bad, you Stan yourself” – Machine Gun Kelly, RAP DEVIL.

Fact: Eminem’s engineer was so high he accidentally recorded over the original take of the third verse of “Stan”

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Cite this page: "Stan." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed February 26, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/stan/.


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