Dukey rope

Dukey rope (slang)

Type: noun, slang

Pronunciation: /dook-e-rowp/

Also spelled or known as: Dukey-rope, Dookie rope, Duke rope chain

Related: Dookie chain, Dukey chain

What does Dukey rope mean?

A large gold chain resembling a thick braid.

Dukey rope Synonyms: Dookie chain, Dukey chain

Example sentence: “Most rappers in the mid 90s had a dookie rope.”

Dukey rope in songs:

“Solid gold dukey rope chain propane flow” – DJ K.O., Here We Go.

“See that’s throwback like Dukey Rope, Candy painted, hundred spokes, baking soda, watch it grow” – Nelly, Hood.

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Dukey rope
Cite this page: "Dukey rope." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed April 19, 2024.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/dukey-rope/.

Dukey rope

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