O.D.B. (slang) Type: noun, slang, acronym Pronunciation: /o-d-b/ Also spelled: ODB What does O.D.B. mean and stand for? 1. Ol’ Dirty Bastard. 2. Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s nickname. Other Ol’ Dirty Bastard Nicknames: Ason Unique, Dirt McGirt, Joe Bananas, The Specialist, Dirt Dog, Ossirus, Big Baby Jesus, Knifey McStab, Old Dirty Chinese Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s real […]
Rap Dictionary
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
O.E. (slang) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /O-E/ Also spelled or known as: OE, O-E What does O.E. mean? Old English Beer. Example sentence: “I haven’t had an O.E. in so long.” O.E. in songs: “Now a little bit of rosé Keep a nigga fucked up, mix a little bit of O.E. Tell my niggas come […]
O.P.P. (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /o-p-p/ Also spelled: O.P.P., O-P-P What does O.P.P. mean and stand for? 1. Other people’s pussy. 2. Other people’s penis. 3. Other people’s property. O.P.P. Synonym: OPP Example sentence: “We are always on O.P.P.” O.P.P. in songs: “Moe tried to be down with O.P.P Ain’t nothin’ wrong, but he […]
O.T. (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /O-T/ Also spelled: OT What does O.T. mean and stand for? 1. Over Time. O.T. is short for Over Time. 2. Outta Town. O.T. is short for Outta Town. 3. Old Toronto. Example sentence: “I’ma be O.T. this weekend.” O.T. in songs: “Niggas rocked the lean, man, when I […]