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Ripped (slang)

Type: adjective, slang

Pronunciation: /kockd-des-ull/

Related: Ripped up

What does Ripped mean?

To be very muscular or built.

Ripped Synonyms: Jacked, Cocked diesel, Cock diesel, Buff

Example sentence: “Damn John, you’ve been in the gym so long, you’re getting so ripped.”

Ripped in songs:

“Found my own lil wave and then I started getting ripped” – EGOVERT, NAMESAKE.

“Workout in that pussy, I’m gettin’ ripped tonight” – StarBoi3, Dick.

more terms starting with “R”

Cite this page: "Ripped." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed March 28, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/ripped/.