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Homebody (slang)

Type: noun, slang

Pronunciation: /home-bod-e/

Also spelled: Home-body, Home body

What does Homebody mean?

Someone who enjoys staying home.

Homebody Synonyms: Hermit

Example sentence: “My new girl is a homebody, i’m so happy.”

Homebody in songs:

“We pulled up at his momma’s house ’cause he a homebody” – Drakeo the Ruler, Ruth’s Chris Freestyle.

Homebody, turn it out and don’t give a damn Man my name is MCA, I’ve got a license to kill” – Beastie Boys, Time to Get Ill.

I’m on her body, she a homebody Hope them killers don’t catch no bodies” – Nas, YKTV.

“Young nigga on the highway still, still Riding around my homebody keep that still” – ​iLoveMakonnen, Flippin All Night.

more terms starting with “H”

Cite this page: "Homebody." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed February 15, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/homebody/.