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Fashionista (slang)

Type: noun, adjective, slang

Pronunciation: /fash-on-nis-tah/

What does Fashionista mean?

Someone, typically a girl who is very into fashion and keeps up with fashion trends.

Fashionista Synonyms: Trendsetter

Example sentence: “My girlfriend use to work at Dior, she’s a fashionista.”

Fashionista in songs:

‘Cause I, I, I, I am Onika and these shoes here mean fashionista” – Nicki Minaj, Wave Ya Hand.

I’m a fashionista, cannibal, I eat ya, History I teach ya, anywhere I meat ya” – Eve, Zero Below.

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Cite this page: "Fashionista." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed March 25, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/fashionista/.


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