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Pub (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /pawb/ What does Pub mean? 1. Publishing. 2. A bar or tavern. Example sentence: “I got some pub on this new record.” Pub in songs: “You stole them boys’ pub‘ and bought a foreclosure Scott Storch demons in it, which is more poison” – Rick Ross, Idols Become Rivals. […]

Public figure

Public figure (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /pub-lic-fig-err/ What does Public figure mean? A famous, influential, or well known person to the public. Public figure Synonyms: Influencer, VIP, Big Shot Example sentence: “She has pubic figure in her IG bio, but she’s now.” Public figure in songs: “Public figure ridin’ with the fuckin’ K’s with […]

Publicity stunt

Publicity stunt (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /pub-lee-city-stawnt/ Plural: Publicity stunts What does Publicity stunt mean? A planned tactic or event to attract publicity and gain attention. Publicity stunt Synonyms: Scheme, Gimmick Example sentence: “He pulled a publicity stunt to promote his album.” Publicity stunt in songs: “When I pour it for the niggas who […]