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Chaser (slang)

Type: noun, slang

Pronunciation: /chase-rr/

What does Chaser mean?

Something non alcoholic to wash down the taste of hard alcohol after a shot or swig.

Example sentence: “I drink Dom P straight, no chaser.”

Chaser in songs:

“She on that ’42 straight with no chaser” – Lil Baby, Sum 2 Prove.

“Softer than Alizé with a chaser” – E.D.I. Mean, HitEm Up.

Ass shots, sir, with no chaser, Pretty titties all up in his face, sir” – Nicki Minaj, Sir.

“Shots to the face, no chaser” – Blueface, Stop Cappin.

more terms starting with “C”

Cite this page: "Chaser." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed February 14, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/chaser/.