Scuffle (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /skuff-ull/ Related: Scuffled, Scuffling, Scufflin’ What does Scuffle mean? 1. To fight. Scuffle Synonyms: Throw hands, Scrap, Square up, Beef, Tussle, Box 2. A fight. Scuffle example sentence: “Baby why are you tryna scuffle with me?” Scuffle in songs: “Get the fuck though, I don’t bluff, bro I come […]
Rap Dictionary
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Scuffled (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /skuff-ulld/ Related: Scuffle, Scuffling, Scufflin’ What does Scuffled mean? To have fought. Scuffled Synonyms: Throwed hands, Scrapped, Squared up, Beefed, Tussled, Boxed Scuffled example sentence: “Have you ever scuffled?” Scuffled in songs: “Beef don’t stop, who’s this year’s knuckle head? (knuckle head) We done scrapped and scuffled until our […]