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Looted (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /loot-ed/ Related: Loot, Looter, Lootin’ What does Looted mean? 1. To have stolen. Looted Synonyms: Jugged, Stiffed, Finessed, Jacked, Robbed, Ganked, Jocked 2. To be really rich. Looted Synonyms: Breaded, Wealthy Example sentence: “Everyone in the room admitted they looted.” Looted in songs: “I get fly as a bitch […]


Looter (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /lout-er/ Related: Lootin’, Looted, Loot, Looting What does Looter mean? Someone who steals goods from a place. Looter Synonyms: Thief Example sentence: “The feds eventually caught the looter.” Looter in songs: “Squeezing llamas off of scooters Get em looter” – RJmrLA, Shooters. “Hand in a looter the minute you […]