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NFT (acronym)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /n-f-t/

Also spelled: N.F.T.

Plural: NFTs

What does NFT mean and stand for?

Non-fungible token.

Example sentence: “He made an investment on an NFT.”

NFT in songs:

“Now what the hell’s an NFT?, Apparently, cryptocurrency” – Pete Davidson as Slim Shady, NFTs.

“I’ma see how long I can go without knowing what an NFT is” – mr. master, ​crunch!.

NFT, my cover art, it’s a gold mine” – 916frosty, Shooting Star.

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Cite this page: "NFT." Rap Dictionary, DailyRapFacts. Accessed March 23, 2025.https://rapdictionary.com/meaning/nft/.