Making ends (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /make-in-ends/ Related: Making ends meet, Ends What does Making ends mean? To be making money. Making ends Synonyms: Stacking, Stacking up, Caking, Caking up Example sentence: “We are going state to state and making ends.” Making ends in songs: “Bitch I got a Benz And I got them […]
Hip-Hop/Rap Slang. All the slang words used in rap/hip-hop music & culture. Here’s a list of all the slang words on Rap Dictionary —
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Making ends meet (slang) Type: verb, phrase, slang Pronunciation: /make-in-ends-meet/ Related: Making ends, Ends What does Making ends meet mean? To be making enough money to pay your bills and survive. Example sentence: “We are going state to state and making ends.” Making ends meet in songs: “Always making moves, I didn’t make the rules […]