Rival (noun) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /riv-eel/ Plural: Rivals What does Rival mean? A competitor or an enemy. Rival Synonyms: Opp Example sentence: “I didn’t know that team was a rival today.” Rival in songs: “So I’ma say somethin’ that’s vital and critical for survival Of mankind, a feline color should never rival” – Kendrick […]
Hip-Hop/Rap Slang. All the slang words used in rap/hip-hop music & culture. Here’s a list of all the slang words on Rap Dictionary — RapDictionary.com.
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Rivals (noun) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /riv-eels/ Singular: Rival What does Rivals mean? Competitors or enemies. Rivals Synonyms: Opps Example sentence: “I’m getting ready for the rivals today.” Rivals in songs: “That they love you when, really, they no different from all your rivals” – Nicki Minaj, Pills N Potions. “When it’s survival, tongue is […]