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Gig (noun) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /giig/ Plural: Gigs What does Gig mean? A musical booking for an artist. Gig Synonyms: Show, Concert Example sentence: “I love John Mayers gig last night.” Gig in songs: “They just want to plug a nigga wig, Charge a half a mil for the gig” – Future, Draco. “I […]


Giggin’ (slang) Type: verb, slang Pronunciation: /gig-in/ Also spelled or known as: Giggin, Gigging What does Giggin’ mean? To be dancing and grooving. Example sentence: “We in the club giggin’, pull up.” Giggin’ in songs: “I’m just tryna vibe, yeah, we out here giggin’, uh” – Stepa J. Groggs, See You Sweat. “So we can […]