Johnny (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /jon-e/ Also spelled or known as: Johnny Dang, Johnny-Dang, JohnnyDang What does Johnny mean? Johnny Dang; a popular celebrity jeweler. Similar to Johnny: Wafi, Avianne, Jacob, Eliantte Example sentence: “Johnny made a lot of the rapper’s jewelry.” Johnny in songs: “Johnny call me up, he said he peed on […]
What do rappers call jewelry? Here’s a list of all the slang words for jewelry used in rap/hip-hop music and in the culture. Slang words for “jewelry” on Rap Dictionary —
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Johnny Dang (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /jon-e-dang/ Also spelled or known as: Johnny-Dang, Johnny, JohnnyDang What does Johnny Dang mean? A popular celebrity jeweler. Similar to Johnny Dang: Wafi, Avianne, Jacob, Eliantte Example sentence: “A lot of Chicago rappers go to Johnny Dang.” Johnny Dang in songs: “They say that I’m ignorant, $50,000 on […]