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DSL (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /d-s-l/ Also spelled: D.S.L, D-S-L What does DSL mean and stand for? 1. Dick Sucking Lips. DSL’s Synonyms: DSL 2. Digital Subscriber Line. Example sentence: “Shorty bad and she got DSL.” DSL in songs: “DSL mouth, she’s a bad bitch, I’d take her to the house, sex & hardcore […]


DSL’s (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /d-s-els/ Also spelled: D.S.L’s, D-S-L’s What does DSL’s mean and stand for? Dick Sucking Lips. DSL’s Synonyms: DSL Example sentence: “Looking good with those DSL’s bae.” DSL’s in songs: “D4L shit, you a Laffy Taffy She got DSL’s, give me top in the back please” – Xanman, Worst. “Motorola […]