Biotch (slang) Type: noun, slang Pronunciation: /be-awtch/ Also spelled or known as: Biyatch What does Biotch mean? Bitch. Biotch Synonym: Biyatch Example sentence: “I would’ve invited your sister’s friend but she’s a biotch.” Biotch in songs: “Take that ice up, for the nicest MC And please yo, tell BIG, he’s unbelievable Friend or foe biotch!” […]
Derogatory slang & terms. Here’s a list of all the Derogatory words used by rappers in rap/hip-hop music and in the culture. Derogatory on Rap Dictionary —
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Bird (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /berd/ Also known as: A bird Plural: Birds What does Bird mean? 1. A woman who is materialistic, promiscuous, and dumb. Bird Synonyms: Airhead, Dummy 2. A kilogram of cocaine. Bird Synonyms: Kilo Example sentence: “I can’t stress on shawty, she was a bird.” Bird in songs: “Still […]