Junk (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /juh-unc/ What does Junk mean? 1. Litter or unwanted waste. Junk Synonyms: Rubbish, Trash, Garbage, Basura 2. To be not good or illogical. Junk Synonyms: Rubbist, Trash, Ass, Butt, Garbage, Basura, Nonsense 3. Private parts. Junk Synonyms: Genitals, Crotch, Goods Example sentence: “I had a lot of junk […]
Rap/Hip-Hop Adjectives. Here’s a list of all the Adjectives used by rappers in rap/hip-hop music and in the culture. Adjectives on Rap Dictionary — RapDictionary.com.
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
Junkie (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /jon-key/ Also spelled or known as: Junky Related: J’s Plural: Junkies What does Junkie mean? Someone who is addicted to drugs. Junkie Synonyms: J’s, Bucktee, Feign, Clucker, Feen, Cluck head, Cluck Example sentence: “I can’t sell this coco to a junkie.” Junkie in songs: “Your bitch on my […]
Junky (slang) Type: noun, adjective, slang Pronunciation: /jon-key/ Also spelled: Junkie Related: J’s Plural: Junkies What does Junkie mean? Someone who is addicted to drugs. Junky Synonyms: J’s, Feen, Fiend Example sentence: “My broski a weed junky the way he chief.” Junky in songs: “I gave that junky a blast, I sell that dope to […]