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NFL (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /n-f-l/ Also spelled: N.F.L. What does NFL mean and stand for? National Football League. Example sentence: “I miss watching the NFL with my daddy on sundays.” NFL in songs: “Got more money than Goodell, a whole NFL bench” – Jay Z, Flux Capacitor. “Either it’s the NBA or it’s […]


NFT (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /n-f-t/ Also spelled: N.F.T. Plural: NFTs What does NFT mean and stand for? Non-fungible token. Example sentence: “He made an investment on an NFT.” NFT in songs: “Now what the hell’s an NFT?, Apparently, cryptocurrency” – Pete Davidson as Slim Shady, NFTs. “I’ma see how long I can go […]