FBG (group/label) Type: group, label, acronym Pronunciation: /f-b-g/ Also spelled: F.B.G., F-B-G What does FBG mean and stand for? 1. Free Band Gang. Founded and coined by: Future 2. Fly Boy Gang. Similar to FBG: TDE, MMG, QC, OVO, YSL, OTF, GBE, OPM, YMCMB, A$AP, YM, BDB, YNW, 4PF, YBN, OFWGKTA Example sentence: “Doe Boy […]
Rap/Hip-Hop Acronyms. Here’s a list of all the acronyms used by rappers in rap/hip-hop music and in the culture. Acronyms on Rap Dictionary — RapDictionary.com.
The Official Hip-Hop Dictionary
FBI (acronym) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /f-b-i/ Also known as: The FBI What does FBI mean and stand for? Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation. Example sentence: “No one can test your gangsta like the FBI.” FBI in songs: “Police ass nigga, you the FBI” – 21 Savage, Both Sides. […]